🏁Memes races

Players will be able to register memes for one or multiple races. To do this, memes must pay the respective entry fee for each race.

There are four categories of races and corresponding entry fees:

  • Common: 5 MVU

  • Rare: 10 MVU

  • Epic: 15 MVU

  • Legendary: 20 MVU

Each race accepts a total of 24 Memes.

An automated task will run the races according to a defined schedule (there are races every 4 hours for each category).

Depending on their rarity, there are bonuses for memes that don't win in the races (in-game rewards).

The distribution of winnings is as follows:

  • 85% is distributed among the top three winners:

    • 50% for the first place

    • 25% for the second place

    • 10% for the third place

  • 5% goes directly to a ranking budget to be distributed at the end of the season among the top ten (this number may change, it could be the top 100).

  • 5% is burned.

  • 5% is distributed among landowners at the end of the season in the following percentages:

    • 50% for legendary lands

    • 25% for epic lands

    • 15% for rare lands

    • 10% for common lands

Note: These percentages are subject to change. Points accumulated by race:

Coming Soon: External players can place bets on these races. They will be able to view the win statistics for each meme and decide which one to bet on. Bets are placed in MVU.

After a race concludes, the winnings are distributed among the top three finishers (the podium). Additionally, profits are distributed to various bettors.

Regarding Betting:

  • 85% of the bets are distributed among the winners.

  • 5% is used to contribute to the liquidity pool of the exchange.

  • 5% is distributed to those who lose in the betting.

  • 5% is burned.

Last updated